Friday, May 4, 2012

Third Year in Memory~

Today Cik Ieyla gedik wrote a touching post~~


it's a serious "what the?" if view normally
but well, deep down it was pretty sad and touching

the only pic that we got together haha~

yes, it has been 1 year
just a small gap of time
but the chemistry, the attachment that I feel for them
is tremendous~

before we were together

I will be honest with you~

Faris is in different group
all my circle of friends is in different group
I sometimes still be in bad terms with jen
I never know syafiqah seriously, she's just cpot's gf in my eyes
and what I know is I still doesnt tolerate that guy~
I still keep the hatred I feel for the boys in pre-med for bullying me~
I'm not that close to jay. chai n fify
I'm somehow relieved I still got ieyla and nadz

but, this one year has been the best
we eat together, we traveled together
we know the same people
uda's family somehow be one part of our life

n what did I learn?
I learn to tolerate
I learn to accept our differences
I learn to be patience
and the most important is..
I learn that everything will be alright if we got one another

and what I want to say

Friends, thanks for the one year we spend together
there will be nothing can replace your special place in my heart~

1 comment:

diela said...

sedih pulak baca..hehe~~