Saturday, February 25, 2012

osce medicine and society

so, finish exam~

so, what happens in this osce?

I'm not sure..

I have no idea
I'm sucks in couple of questions
but, I can answer most...

I really hope I can pass this...

1. Health management information system (HMIS)
2. study design
3. micronutrient
4. attack rate and relative risk
5. something that we have to calculate? - it's just reflex haha
6. PPD-counsel a patient about the importance of treatment

a G6P5 malay lady is referred to u (a medical and health officer) due to her refusal for treatment and admission to hospital. she has a h/o retained placenta in 5th pregnancy. currently, she is diagnosed with mild anemia (Hb=6) and is scheduled for blood transfusion.

Q - explore her reason for refusing treatment
    - counsel her regarding the treatment

7. forgot
8. SPSP- sistem pembuangan sistem pepejal under BAKAS (jabatan bekalan air dan kesihatan alam sekeliling in pejabat kesihatan daerah)

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