Saturday, February 25, 2012

holiday plans part 1

Onion Display Emoticon

I seriously miss u~~

so, my plan during holiday???

on 5th March, I'll go to KL
tthen, we'll go to TG KARANG
gonna visit Aqil and his family,
seriously I miss Aqil so much

yep. I miss filah, amni, kak chombi and uda too..
but, aqil will be the centre~~
he's my only little bro <3

on 8th, we'll go to Pulau Perhentian~!
actually we'll be doing our elective there~
for 2 weeks
I'm not sure what we'll do
but with free lodging and free food
nobody can miss that right...

then, I'll be spending time at home
that will require 2nd planning
and it will be later..


May ALLAH bless~

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