Saturday, July 12, 2014

04 Dorkiest Moment

that would be an understatement

I don't call them DORKS for nothing

they are DORKS

and I cant really choose any best moments that I think the DORKIEST

some of it

the photo shoot where they play around

this game..when Ohno and Sho basically were defeated every round
and they have to dance everytime
the dance always ended up in this position hehe


this is my favorite moment! this episode never fails to make me laugh
Ohno and Sho as King and Queen
Jun as the merchant
Aiba as pirate
and Nino as poor fisherman

They make a silent sitcom without actually practising
soo funny

Ohno loves sho's eyes <3 p="">


basically Nino's playing around during a dance routine hehe

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