Saturday, March 10, 2012

Toilet issues~

After a while, we were left alone with a promise to repair the door knob soon~

To tell u the truth..
I was actually quite stunned~ Monkey Winks
I actually promise myself I wouldn't wanna go anywhere without proper toilet
Sitting with my knee close to my chest
I put my head into thought

well, jen's already sleeping~
I heard someone complaining about a bath

and then it started...
I'm not sure who..ok,'s nadzirah..
she actually call complaining to her beloved
I'll call him U starting right now~
about our condition and he actually planning to lend a help
this is the plan
why dont we call chef back, ask for the cheapest resort, and move from here..
well, of course the issue now is money~
I told u~ I'm broke, Dibah n Jen's too~ not sure about other
and U actually plan to back us up~
Monkey Emoticons
I'll tell u straight
I dont have any grudges or hate toward him..or maybe just a little bit, dont plan to tell that story~
and having someone u dont know or "a little bit" didn't like pay up for u
can be quite frustrating
so when asked how much I could pay>
I answered, I only got RM100..I'll pay up later after I begged my parents~

well, they wanna discuss about this~
I couldn't care less
but the decision is already made?
I'm not sure..there's nothing decided
then, they started to go packing to go bathing at the mosque~

and me?
I explore the house
found a fan and a place to land my head
Monkey Icons
naps for 3 hours straight~
I know I'm just running from the reality

I was woken up and told to get ready
the van will take us back and we will stay at the resort
Monkey Emoticons
ok, now what happens when I'm napping haish~~

then we go back, we are taken to our room..
and what can I say~

Monkey Emoticons
it's gorgeous,
only got 3 single bed but we dont give a damn~
a proper toilet
2 extra mattress
well, this is actually more than enough

at least I'm happy..they r happy
and I don't even wanna think about money now
deposit? it has been taken care by chef~

I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
First Day at Work~

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