Monday, February 20, 2012

Int med part 1 (theory)


I think I wont say it like that today
I mean that its not...hurm
it's not as bad as I think...

is it hard?
I wont say it hard..but it is not easy either
so the conclusion is..

I'm just glad I can do it

the Qs?

1. LFT interpretation
2. proteinuria
3. skin rash

1. 60 y/o women, HPT+DM, complained of weakness at right side of the body, slurred speech and facial asymmetry - neurological deficit, dx, mx, complication
2. 42 y/o women w pain&swelling of hand, w morning stiffness for2h.  - inv, dx, cause, joint deformity, extra-articular sign
3. 21y/o student, sob, chest tightness, wheezing and generalized rhonchi - sign u want to look, inv, dx
4. 45y/o w chrnic hep c complain of lower limb swelling and bilateral lower limb swelling - interpret result, dx, complication, mx

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