Wednesday, February 22, 2012

IM osce~

I think today is good~ not bad
I can answer most of the Qs
and somehow, I kind of laughing when I remember yesterday
when we r freaking out about what's gonna come out in the exam tomorrow
well, I hope tomorrow's JKM will be good too~

1.ECG ST elevation at V1, V2, V3 & V4 - dx-acute anterolateral MI, complication
2. picture of eye with corneal arcus - dx, other sign, management
3. picture of hand with rheumatoid arthritis - abnormalities, ddx
4. picture of eye - ptosis and pupil dilatation - 7th nerve palsy??
5. picture of x ray with staghorn calculi - full dx, other investigation
6. PPD


aisya kay said...

no 4 bukan Horner's syndrome ke?

Naddyamal said...

aah, dh tau (T-T)...
ak jwab salah~~
sirius blur xtau~~