Tuesday, October 11, 2011

surgery theory~

urgh...I finished it early at 10.05 am
and I got another one hour to go~

and, I was seriously2222 bored!!!!
I fell asleep quite a few times
checking the papers for the third time already
not sure what should I do

I think I have to relax a bit when doing exam
the time given is plentiful so I should do the exam in a clear and calm mind!!
not in such a rush state like that~
and also the night before exam
please sleep early!!

the questions??
what I can remember

1. PR bleed
2. thyroid disease

MSN Onion Display Icon

1. abdominal distention, vomitting, w h/o constipation- blood inv, ddx, mx.
2. progressive dysphagia - dx, ddx, mx
3. 70 y/o male, one ep of hematuria that resolve spontaneously, persistent microscopic hematuria, heavy smoker and alcoholic, h/o working in paint factory - dx, ddx, risk factor, mx
4. malignant breast disease, defaulted tx and came 8 months after that for dyspnoea - further history to ask, inv, staging
5. spiky fever with tender right hypochondrium - ddx, mx

urgh, I'm not sure..maybe my memory is getting old

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