Monday, April 18, 2011


ano ne~
I just watched a sugoi japanese dorama
titled  "OTOMEN"
the drama really captures my heart!!!
recommended the most haha!

well, if u look at the word carefully
it is actually a pun from the word "otome" that means girls or onnanoko
and the english word "men"
so if we actually combine these words
it means "girlish boy"

actually the real meaning of it are japanese boy who excels in both military and literary art
while hiding his girly hobbies such as cooking and sewing,
his girly way of thinking and his skills
to act like a real tough man

hurm, if we really see the situation
these boys are not gayish or soft
they are normal boys with weird hobbies (I think?)
so, maybe a kareshi (BF) out of these boys are better, aint it?

bcoz they understand girls better
isnt it sugoi!!!
waa, I want one....totally falls for Okada Masaki~!!!

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