Saturday, October 30, 2010

sho has finished filming God's med records~

Sho-kun has finished filming "Kamisama no Karute"
it's a dr's drama.....
cant wait how it will turn out to be

kya~~can imagine sho-kun in dr's robe
he will looks soooo handsome~!
my dream is fulfilled~
I hope he got specs too handsome

nooooooo....dont perm his hair!!
sho, what r u doing!!!!!
dont perm your hair..
too late..I was too late

arfgh....dont care.....

-------btw, this is not the film's pic

I snuck this pic somewhere
this is the newest Sho-kun
awwwzz at his hairstyle
ne sho-kun
don worry
u r still kakkoii in my heart 
this is a pic of his interview 
about his newest film~

Sho-kun, why did u looks like u r 5 years younger???

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